Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) has initiated drone spraying to tackle the foul odor emanating from Hussain Sagar. Drones were deployed to spray the affected areas, particularly where waste from the Kukatpally nala flows into the lake.
The accumulation of silt and waste in these areas has led to a significant stench, prompting HMDA to take immediate action. The removal of waste using machinery has been ongoing, but the odor persists, making it challenging to manage. In response, a company has come forward to conduct a trial run of drone spraying to mitigate the smell.
Officials from the GHMC’s Entomology Department and HMDA’s BPPPA jointly conducted the trial run on Friday. The drone spraying covered areas around Sanjeevaiah Park, Lakeview Park, and Tank Bund Bathukamma Ghat for over an hour.
For several years, measures have been taken to reduce the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) levels and increase the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels in Hussain Sagar, with the help of a company from Bangalore. This company has been using Bokashi Balls and tankers to spray various areas to combat the odor.
Bokashi balls, also known as mabuhay balls, are eco-friendly mudballs used to clean up water bodies like ponds, lakes, and rivers. They are made from a mixture of dried soil, clay, and Bokashi Bran (a type of fermented organic matter. Similar strategies would be adopted if the drone spraying proves effective. The officials plan to implement this method more widely in Hussain Sagar to ensure a cleaner and more pleasant environment for residents and visitors.
Treatment of the lake water will help introduce beneficial bacteria and enzymes that break down organic matter, such as decaying leaves, fish waste, and other debris. Products like potassium permanganate or activated carbon can neutralize odors by oxidizing organic compounds and removing pollutants.
They help to reduce the accumulation of sludge and organic waste, thereby minimizing foul odors. These treatments can provide quick results, effectively reducing odors and improving water quality.