Hyderabad, December 24, 2024 – The tragic stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre, which resulted in the death of a woman named Revathi, has led to the interrogation of popular actor Allu Arjun by the Chikkadpally police. Allu Arjun was arrested and released the next day, and today he was questioned again for over three hours.
Interrogation Details
Allu Arjun arrived at the Chikkadpally Police Station at 11 AM, accompanied by his father Allu Aravind, his lawyer, and his uncle Chandrasekhar Reddy. The interrogation, led by ACP Ramesh Kumar, lasted until 2:47 PM. During the session, the police asked Allu Arjun around 20 questions related to the stampede incident.
Emotional Moment
In a significant moment during the interrogation, Allu Arjun reportedly broke into tears while watching a video prepared by the police about the Sandhya Theatre incident. The actor became emotional, admitting to making some mistakes and explaining that he was unaware of certain details due to the darkness inside the theatre. Allu Arjun assured the police that he would cooperate with any future investigations and be available whenever needed.
Police Statements
The police recorded Allu Arjun’s statements and video-recorded the entire interrogation. They informed him that they might issue further notices if additional questioning is required. During the interrogation, Allu Arjun was seen drinking water only three times and consuming biscuits and dry fruits from his vehicle.
The Sandhya Theatre stampede incident has been a significant case, with multiple individuals being questioned by the police. ACP Ramesh Kumar, who was present at the scene during the incident, played a crucial role in today’s interrogation.
The investigation into the tragic incident continues as the police gather more evidence and statements from those involved.