As the Telangana High Court rejected the quash petition filed by former Municipal Administration Minister and BRS working president, K.T. Rama Rao (KTR), in connection with the Formula-E car race case, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) is going all out accelerating its investigation into the alleged graft involving senior government officials. It commenced the probe grilling senior bureacrat, Arvind Kumar in the case on Wednesday.
The ACB had registered a case against KTR (Accused No. 1), Arvind Kumar, Special Chief Secretary of the Government of Telangana (Accused No. 2), and retired HMDA Chief Engineer B.L.N. Reddy (Accused No. 3). The case revolves around alleged financial irregularities in transactions made on behalf of the state government with Formula-E Operations Limited.
Arvind Kumar has been under scrutiny since the Congress Party came to power, due to his close association with BRS leader K.T. Rama Rao. Despite the High Court’s decision, KTR has moved the Supreme Court to challenge the ACB case. Meanwhile, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) has also initiated a probe into the matter, summoning all three accused for questioning.
On Wednesday, B.L.N. Reddy appeared before the ED, marking a significant step in the ongoing investigation. The ED’s involvement underscores the gravity of the allegations and the commitment to uncovering any potential financial misconduct.
As the investigation progresses, the spotlight remains on the accused officials and their alleged roles in the controversial Formula-E transactions. The outcome of these probes will be closely watched, as they hold significant implications for the political and administrative landscape of Telangana.