BRS digital activist taken to custody and let off  

Hyderabad: Former Telangana Digital Director and BRS digital activist Konatham Dileep was arrested by the police at the Central Crime Station here on Monday. Dileep’s arrest sparked strong reactions from the BRS, which criticized the Congress government for allegedly harassing those who question its failures. BRS working president KT Rama Rao condemned the arrest, stating that Dileep was targeted for highlighting the Congress government’s shortcomings. He accused the government of implementing a dictatorial rule and the Nizam’s constitution in Telangana while claiming to uphold democracy.”How long will you undermine democracy and survive with these illegal arrests? As lovers of democracy, we will fight you democratically,” KT Rama Rao asserted, declaring that the BRS would not be intimidated by such actions.Senior BRS leader T Harish Rao denounced the arrest, urging the Congress government to cease its vendetta politics. “This government claims to be a people’s government but acts undemocratically. It is shameful that it harasses those who question it with false cases,” he said. Dileep was arrested and relesed on similar charges in September last.

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