New Delhi: In a delightful twist, Union Ministers Jyotiraditya Scindia and Sukanta Majumdar made a surprise appearance at the Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav fashion show held in New Delhi on Saturday. The fashion show, known for showcasing the rich and diverse attire of the northeastern states, was elevated by their presence.
Promoting Northeast’s Vibrant Fashion
Both ministers took to the ramp donning traditional northeastern-style jackets, captivating the audience with their unexpected participation. Their appearance was a significant gesture in promoting the vibrant fashion and cultural heritage of the northeastern region.
A Celebrated Event
The Ashtalakshmi Mahotsav fashion show is an annual event that highlights the diverse and colorful fashion traditions of the northeastern states of India. It brings together designers, models, and fashion enthusiasts from across the country. The presence of prominent political figures like Scindia and Majumdar added a special touch to this year’s event, emphasizing the government’s support for the cultural and fashion industries.
A Memorable Evening
The audience was thrilled to see the ministers walk the ramp with confidence and style, and their participation was met with applause and admiration. The event underscored the importance of cultural representation and the promotion of regional fashion on a national platform.