Hyderabad: In a poignant turn of events at Secunderabad railway station, the police foiled a heartbreaking attempt by a worker couple from Uttar Pradesh to give up their newborn baby for adoption.
Rajani and Chotakan, a couple from Lucknow, arrived at the station with their 15-day-old infant, hoping to hand over their child to a childless couple from Hyderabad. The arrangement, facilitated through a connection made on Facebook, saw a delay as the Hyderabad couple arrived late to the rendezvous.
As Rajani cradled her newborn, tears streaming down her face, she kissed her baby with the heaviness of a mother’s love intertwined with desperation. Chotakan stood beside her, a gloomy expression etched on his face, helplessly watching the emotional turmoil unfold.
The scene did not go unnoticed by the Ramgopalpet police, who were observing from a distance. Suspicious of the couple’s intentions, they approached and inquired about their mission. Innocently, Rajani and Chotakan disclosed that they were there to hand over their child to a couple in need of adoption. The young parents, already struggling to support their three other children, saw this as their only option to secure a better future for their newborn.
The police quickly intervened, understanding the gravity of the situation. They took Rajani, Chotakan, and their baby to the police station. The infant was later sent to Sishu Vihar, a child welfare center, ensuring the baby would be in safe hands. The couple, now in police custody, face legal action for their unauthorized attempt at adoption.
This incident sheds light on the harsh realities faced by many families, where poverty and desperation lead to heartrending decisions. It also underscores the importance of proper adoption channels and the need for robust support systems for struggling families.
As the baby finds solace in Sishu Vihar, there is hope that this story will spark awareness and compassion, prompting society to address the underlying issues that force such desperate acts.