Hyderabad: The world-renowned magician P.C. Sorcar (Porush) is set to captivate Hyderabad with his mesmerizing performance after a seven-year hiatus. The Mega Magic Show, “Indrajal,” will take place at the prestigious Hari Hara Kala Bhavan in Secunderabad in early January 2025.
A Legacy of Magic
The Sorcar family has long been synonymous with magic. P.C. Sorcar (Senior) once profoundly stated, “When asleep I breathe magic; when awake I work magic.” His greatest contribution was elevating Indian magic, his beloved Indrajal, to the international stage. Under his guidance, Indian magic gained global recognition and acclaim.
Continuing the Magic
The Sorcar legacy continues with P.C. Sorcar (Young), often referred to as the “Leonardo Da Vinci of India.” His innovative approach and mastery have solidified his reputation as a legendary magician. His son, P.C. Sorcar (Porush), is the youngest in the family and has already made a mark with his unique take on his grandfather’s iconic tricks. A talented painter and drummer, Porush is ready to dazzle the audience with his spell-binding acts.
Event Details:
P.C. Sorcar (Porush)’s “Indrajal” promises to be a magical extravaganza, showcasing the enchanting art of Indian magic with a modern twist. This event is a must-see for magic enthusiasts and anyone looking to experience the wonder and amazement of world-class magic.
Don’t miss the chance to witness the magic of the Sorcar family live on stage. Tickets are available for booking, so secure your seat for an unforgettable evening of illusions and enchantment.