Hyderabad: The ongoing episode involving actor Allu Arjun has seen unexpected developments. Following the stampede incident at Sandhya Theatre during the premiere show of “Pushpa 2,” where Allu Arjun was implicated as a suspect, the Chikkadpally police have issued fresh notices to the actor. He is required to appear for further questioning tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11 AM.
Big Shock for Allu Arjun
On Monday, Chikkadpally police issued notices to Allu Arjun, asking him to appear at the police station for questioning. Sources reveal that Allu Arjun is currently consulting with his legal team regarding the incident. The stampede at Sandhya Theatre resulted in one death and left another person in critical condition. It’s worth noting that the police had already arrested Allu Arjun in connection with this case, but he was granted interim bail for four weeks by the Telangana High Court.
Unexpected Developments
During the premier show of “Pushpa 2” at Sandhya Theatre, the stampede took place and the incident resulted in Allu Arjun’s arrest. He was however released the following day as the Telangana High Court granted him interim bail. Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy stated that Allu Arjun’s negligence was a contributing factor in the incident and emphasized that the law would take its course. In the assembly, Reddy mentioned that Revathi, a woman who died in the incident while her son was currently receiving treatment in a hospital. Reddy claimed that the police acted immediately to send Allu Arjun away from the theatre, but the actor refused to leave.
Political overtones
Responding to CM Revanth Reddy’s comments, Allu Arjun said that the police did not inform him about the death of Revathi. He only learned about it the next day and accused the government of conspiring against him to tarnish his personal reputation. He also stated that the Telangana government was spreading falsehoods about him. While some criticized CM Revanth Reddy for bringing up a court matter in the assembly, others disapproved of Allu Arjun holding a press conference regarding the case while on interim bail. With these developments, there is speculation that the police might approach the High Court division bench or the Supreme Court to seek the cancellation of Allu Arjun’s interim bail.
The Allu Arjun episode has gradually taken on political overtones. While Congress leaders criticize Allu Arjun’s actions, BRS leaders accuse the government of targeting the actor. Recently, the police released a video detailing what happened at the theatre on December 4, providing clarity on the incident.